Stronger Than Hate Memorial collection
Content Description
Items from the Stronger Than Hate Memorial and CMU Community Gathering on Wednesday, November 6, 2019. The event served as an opportunity for the CMU community to reflect and recognize the attack on Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha, Dor Hadash and New Light congregations one year ago on October 27, 2018.
Acquisition Type
The collection was transferred to the University Archives by Shari Zingle, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, in November 2019.
Language of Description
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Restrictions Apply
- 2018-2019
1) Printed copy of the plaque that will be installed in the ground near the memorial tree that was planted in spring of 2019. 2) Copy of the speaking program, which included remarks from representatives from the CMU Jewish community, along with prayer, music, lighting of the Yahrzeit candles and the dedication of the memorial tree. 3) Copies of the speeches, in speaking order: Farnam Jahanian, President and Henry L. Hillman President; Joel Greenhouse, Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics and Data Science (faculty representative); Roni Sosis, Sophomore, Global Studies and Creative Writing (student representative); Andrés Cárdenes, Dorothy Richard Starling & Alexander Speyer Jr. University Professor of Violin (violin performance); Martin Gaynor, E.J. Barone University Professor of Economics and Public Policy (reading of Psalm 23 and facilitator of the lighting of the Yahrzeit candles). 4) Paper tags with reflections written by members of the CMU community in the week following the synagogue tragedy. A display was set up in the Cohon Center with tags, strings and markers for students to hang on a metal grate display. Hundreds of tags were tied to the grates. Half of the tags were made into mulch and buried in the dirt beneath the memorial tree. The rest, were given to the University Archives.