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Art Com Magazine

 Unprocessed — Box: 1
Identifier: 0000-0199

Content Description

Issues and documentation related to Art Com Magazine (also known as the ACEN, ArtCom Electronic Network) which the CMU libraries subscribed to. Art Com was published by and provided through a computing cooperative called "The Well." ArtCom existed in print for approximately 10 years and established itself as the chief journal covering electronic media (video and data communications) in the visual arts. ArtCom was a major network for artists interested in telecommunications and small-scale computing. This collection consists of printed copies of Art Com between 1991-1992, as well as ACEN: Datanet Artworks, unique editions released by the network, and press releases.

Acquisition Type




Restrictions Apply



  • 1989-1991


.25 Linear feet (1 box)