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Faculty Senate Records

Identifier: 2016-0010

Scope and Contents note

This collection is comprised of six series: committees, administrative, financial, miscellanous general faculty, faculty handbooks, and publications.

Committees are organized alphabetically by subject and contain such subject matter as minutes and reports from various meeting on student affairs, admissions, campus life, and faculty affairs. These committees are subsets of the larger faculty senate and therefore have their on memoranda and correspondence.

The administrative series is comprised of information of faculty welfare and tenture as well as a subseries comprising the files and memoranda of the executive board. This series also contains information on the Faculty Senate Constitution, including the original draft of the 1922 Constitution as well as the further amendments and rewrites.

Financial records consist of expenditures in the form of cancelled checks and the University check book. It also contains he records of the Treasurer as well as the ledgers and auditor's reports. **The file on the University checkbook was closed in 1939.**

The miscellanous series contains memoranda on different council meetings. It is arranged by date.

The faculty handbook series contains the revisions of different faculty handbooks throughout the faculty senate's history. It also contains information on the faculty benefit plans and healthcare. These are arranged by date. The publications series contains copies of "Publications, Artistic Productions, and Professional Activities" books that lists the scholarly output of CMU faculty, as well as the "Biographical Information on Faculty and Senior Research Personnel" which briefly lists biographical information, research interests and scholarly output of faculty.


  • 1919-1998

Biographical/Historical note

The Faculty Senate is the elected governing body for faculty affairs at Carnegie Mellon University. The Facult Senate is comprised of elected officials and appointed members that are empowered to conduct affairs relating to faculty organziation (except where the Consititution and by-laws prohibit). The Faculty Senate Constitution, first concieved of in 1922 and later revised in every decade, provides the structure for Faculty Senate affairs. The individual faculty members appointed to the Faculty Senate bear the responsibility for maintaining the academic integrity and freedom of the institution. It is the responsibility of the Faculty Senate to care not only for the academic wellfare of the University but also to address any topic relevant to the interests of the University. The Faculty Senate opperates through a series of appointed committees and councils to make recommendations to the administration or other bodies of organization at the University.


13 Linear feet (13 boxes)




The Faculty Senate Collection is the governing body for faculty affairs at Carnegie Mellon University. This collection spans from the early 1920's and extends through the late 1990's. It is comprised of memorandum and minutes from various committees as well as financial information, administrative files, and a series of faculty handbooks.

Faculty Senate Records
Revised by Emily Davis
Revised October 27, 2021
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
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Repository Details

Part of the Carnegie Mellon University Archives Repository

4909 Frew St
Pittsburgh PA 15213
(412) 268-5021